Wow - talk about a bloodbath! Not a single Gold submission - just two Silver and two measly Bronze awards! Oh well, I suppose one can't win them all! At least I wasn't the only one - it was a poor evening results-wise for the majority of club members.
The Set subject for the month was Monochrome. Again, please click on the images for larger versions.
My entry for the Set Print section was a photo taken of one of the hundreds of anemones we were blessed with after Jacqui's hard work this Spring (the colour version will be posted next month). I specifically wanted to focus on the centre section of the flower, and tried to blend the petals into the white background. Well, the judge apparently didn't like the concept and wanted to see the petals in more detail, so I gathered my first Bronze of the evening!
For the Set Digital entry I used a photo taken at an organised "Pokemon Go!" event (my Blog post on the subject can be viewed here). The whole object of the image was to show a diversity of people all mesmerised by their cell phones and catching Pokemons, but the judge said there were "obviously" no persons catching Pokemons there! And so the second Bronze arrived.

My Open print entry was taken during the holiday Jacqui and I had earlier this year. It was taken while on an evening cruise on the beautiful Knysna lagoon, and I thought (still think) it has a nice tranquil feel about it. There are apparently some technical issues with the image (unfortunately I couldn't hear exactly what the judge said and have been unable to spot them, but accept his judgement), but at least it received a silver rating.
My final image for the evening was take a while ago during a visit to a Blacksmith factory. I really liked the vibrancy of the sparks and the feel of the photo. The image was judged as being a "record shot", but thankfully also at least received a Silver rating. Let's hope tomorrow night brings some better results!